life begins at thirty-six
here's why (in chronological order):
1) 2/17/06 (10PM - 2AM) FU:EL show w/ ish, ecfop and the BL the friday before, like then pep rally before the big game. lots of non-spectators lending percussive hands on tamboutines, guitar cases, cymbals, drums and --of course -- skull-shaped maracas.
only downer was running into two dudes from this band (which, as you have guessed, wasn't a downer at all -- the downer was they had to go before i went on, which was late, even for me). but they, true to their punk rock nature (which runs depper than anything you can think of), helped me w/ the load-in. what makes this more significant (ie: more worthy of a blog entry) is that one of them helped me load my drums into the dry house at the first ever show i played, january 1987. so things came full-circle. and i didn't take it as a sign then (friday nite) but i do now (monday evening), and hopefully i can return the favor.
2) (2/18/06 -- approx. 1PM) 'we jam econo' courtesy of her eir-anneness and his wattness. totally legit screening @123 (monday film nite) soon. ahh, but the real gift is the heart behind the gift itself, innit?
3) (2/18/06 -- approx. 3PM) hearing a todd burge recording of "pity the party."
unthinkable, in the best sense of the word. these blokes doing an extra special birthday cover set. unimaginably good set and an incredible gesture.
5) (2/18/06 -- 2/19/06, approx. 10:00 PM -- 4:00 AM) lots of good talk, good action, free gin & tonic, booker's whiskey, and candy hearts (and other stuff) from various good people at this joint and a small apartment above it . which led to me getting philosophical at the bar, in the car, in the hall, on the street, in the driveway, in the kitchen, on the steps, in the bed. but that's okay. getting philosophical sure beats getting sick.
6) (2/19/06) didn't feel too bad the next day, either.
methinks i'm the richest man in town.
(photo -- a still from LACK*A*DAISY's "I Need" video, summer 1992. L-R: bill sheeder (in chicken mask) my bad self (w/gun). don't ask.
PS. someone sent me a comment. well, two people. one was a well-wisher (ben doyle?), the other comment(at)or was amazed by the fact that i posted a link to the ACLU's site becase i'm a 'scab.' "remember MAMA...?" it said. i'm assuming that's a joke, as the only mama i have supports the aclu (and a lot of other righteous, hardworking organizations) wholeheartedly. i would have posted both (one was sweet, the other kinda funny) but the 'moderate comments' thingy effed up, and now i don't have no sweet or funny comments no more, just a great memory.